Make change: Decolonising design. A value driven design workshop Past Event
Presented by Monash University, Department of Design
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Wheelchair Access
Make change: Decolonising design. A value driven design workshop Past Event
Presented by Monash University, Department of Design
This workshop is for anyone who is wondering how to incorporate a decolonial and value-driven design methodology within their practice. It will focus on how Indigenous values might help us independently yet collectively reimagine how to care for people, community, and Country.
The design workshop gives participants an alternative perspective of how design can be used in the context of Care. Integrating Indigenous ways of knowing within design practice scaffolds how we can align our values with our actions. The workshop introduces the Seven Grandfathers’ Teachings from North America so participants can walk away with intentions and values reframed by purpose and place-based perspectives.
This workshop is presented by Dr Desiree Ibinarriaga, Wendy Ellerton and Dr Amy Killen from the Monash University, Department of Design.
Desiree Hernandez Ibinarriaga is an Indigenous Mexican woman with Chamula (Mayan), Nahua (Aztec) and Euskaldunak (Basque) heritage. Desiree is a creative practitioner, collaborative and social design maker and thinker. She is Lecturer at Monash Art Design and Architecture, and Coordinator for Indigenous Higher Degrees by Research being part of Wominjeka Djeembana Research Lab.
Amy Killen is a designer and educator. As a Teaching Fellow at Monash University, she coordinates units across the Collaborative and Industrial Design degrees. Her PhD and research work partnered with industry to explore design’s contribution to mitigating rail vandalism and was positioned within the Monash Mobility Design Lab. Her current interests lie in exploring and implementing interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches to design while developing opportunities for cross-pollination between disciplines.
Wendy Ellerton is the Program Director of Collaborative Design at Monash University and a practicing designer. Wendy has lectured on type design for the Australian Graphic Design Association and conducted design workshops internationally in Florence, Milan, Beijing and Riyadh. Her teaching practice encourages learners to develop mindful and sustainable practices that emphasise the value of collaboration within design processes. Her PhD research is interested in cultivating methodologies that enhance the symbiotic relationship between collaboration and design.