6:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Join Living Edge and Herman Miller for a panel discussion of Melbourne’s leading architects to explore the role of architecture and design in a circular economy – taking into consideration architectural design, building materiality, furniture, products, spaces, and their evolutionary/revolutionary use for today and tomorrow. Focussing on a holistic systems approach to design, construction, and habitation, as construction waste from commercial buildings is one of the top offenders contributing toward landfill volume. The expert panel of leading architects and a representative from Herman Miller will discuss the benefits, challenges, and opportunities around the circular economy from utilising closed-loop systems to divert end-of-life products and materials from landfills.
Dan Cox – Principal, Hassell
Sue Fenton – Senior Associate, Woods Bagot
Bonnie Herring – Director of Architecture, Breathe Architecture
Gigi Davidge – Market Manager NSW, QLD & NZ, MillerKnoll
Guy Walsh – Sustainability Strategist, Living Edge